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So sehr wir uns auch bemühen, wir haben keine genaue voraussichtliche Ankunftszeit, wann IcePlate®-Kurven mit Rechtsausgang (Coyote Brown, Ranger Green, Wolf Grey) wieder aufgefüllt werden. Alle unsere neuen Produktausfälle und Aufstockungsbenachrichtigungen gehen jedoch ausschließlich an unsere LAUNCHPAD-E-Mail-Abonnenten , sobald sie fertig sind. Klicken Sie für bestimmte Produkte auf die Schaltfläche „Benachrichtigen, wenn wieder auf Lager“, um Benachrichtigungen über den Lagerbestand zu erhalten.

IcePlate® Curve wird zu 100 % in den USA aus US-Materialien hergestellt

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Ein Turbolader für den menschlichen Körper.

IcePlate® Curve wird eng am Körper getragen und ist eine mittelgroße ESAPI-förmige Wasserflasche, die Sie mit 50 fl oz (1,5 l) Trinkwasser kühlt/wärmt/hydratisiert und 70 Watt Kühlleistung und 52 Watt Heizleistung mit den Händen liefert. kostenlose Plattenträger-Trinkversorgung oder Rucksack-Trinkversorgung für unvergleichliche Kontrolle über Ihre Umgebung. Eine andere Art, sich IcePlate vorzustellen, ist wie eine Trägerrakete: Sie wurde entwickelt, um Sie mit einem vollen Benzintank in die Umlaufbahn zu bringen, nicht unbedingt, um die gesamte Mission zu überstehen. IcePlate® Curve wurde für Elite-Benutzer entwickelt, die bei der Erfüllung ihrer Aufgaben jeden Vorteil suchen, und schafft entscheidende Wettbewerbsvorteile, wo es zuvor keine gab, indem sie die Temperatur zur Verbesserung der Leistung und Überlebensfähigkeit bewaffnet. Wer sich mit „gut genug“ zufrieden geben möchte, sollte sich woanders umsehen.

Hinweis: Die Side-Release Armor Straps sind eine Einstiegs-Montageoption, die nur existiert, um eine universelle Montageanforderung zu erfüllen, die die US-Armee teilte, als sie uns im Dezember 2015 zum ersten Mal wegen der Kühlung von Körperpanzern kontaktierte. Wir empfehlen, sie nicht zu verwenden. Stattdessen empfehlen wir die Verwendung unseres IMS oder IMS Pro , wenn Sie IcePlate® Curve oder IcePlate® Classic mit einem Plattenträger ausführen. Klicken Sie hier, um zu sehen, welches das Richtige für Sie ist .


  • Abmessungen (britisch): 9,5" x 12,5" x 1" [BxHxT]
  • Abmessungen (metrisch): 24,13 cm x 31,75 cm x 2,54 cm [BxHxT]
  • Source 90 Trinkschlauchlänge: 34" oder 86 cm
  • Gewicht: ~ 12 Unzen.
  • Fassungsvermögen: 1,5 l (50 fl oz)
  • Kühldauer : Dauert 2-4 Stunden (nach 6-8 Stunden Einfrieren über Nacht variieren die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse je nach externen Variablen: Sonneneinstrahlung, Umgebungstemperatur, externe Wärmequellen (z. B. Motoren), relative Luftfeuchtigkeit, Größe/Körpergröße des Benutzers, Stoffwechselkapazität, Arbeitsbelastung)
  • Heizdauer : Dauert 3-5 Stunden gefüllt mit heißem Wasser zwischen 150-190 F (Temperatur je nach persönlicher Vorliebe/Sicherheit und Außentemperatur)
  • BPA-freies, FDA-zugelassenes, spülmaschinenfestes HDPE
  • Mehrere US-amerikanische und internationale Patente angemeldet
  • Hergestellt in den USA aus US-Materialien





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Definitely! ICEPLATE® Curve can seamlessly integrate into a variety of backpacks, both as an internal and external component. For everyday carry and tactical uses, we suggest using packs from Vertx and Haley Strategic Partners. You will appreciate the reduction in bulk and the elimination of the typical "water bottle bulge."

Explore various backpack models compatible with ICEPLATE® here.

Maintaining your ICEPLATE® is straightforward due to its dishwasher-safe design. Simply remove the cap (which fits perfectly in the utensil basket) and place ICEPLATE® upside down in the bottom rack of your dishwasher. Run it through a standard wash and dry cycle.

Alternatively, you can wash it by hand. Just soak it in warm, soapy water and gently scrub the surface with a soft sponge. Make sure to rinse the bite valve thoroughly before use.

For detailed cleaning instructions, visit this article.

The drinking tube of your ICEPLATE® is also designed to be dishwasher safe, allowing for easy cleaning alongside your ICEPLATE®. If you prefer, it can be hand washed using the same method described for ICEPLATE®.

If you notice condensation build-up (especially before storing the tube long-term) consider using the Platypus Tube Brush for thorough cleaning.

More details on tube care can be found in this article, along with this helpful video.

While it's possible to use other liquids, we recommend sticking with water for optimal performance and ease of cleaning.

To completely dry your ICEPLATE®, hang it by securing a rubber band through the top strap loop. Place the rubber band through the opposite strap loop of the exit port to maximize drainage, thanks to our TotalDrain Technology.

For drying the tube, similar hanging methods are advised. Use a tube brush if you encounter stubborn condensation inside.

Yes, the ICEPLATE® boasts a quiet design due to its solid construction, making it ideal for various situations where noise reduction is crucial.

Discover the technology behind its quiet design here.

It's best to empty and dry your ICEPLATE® after each use, as water can become stale within 24 hours under certain conditions. Freezing ICEPLATE® extends the storage duration significantly.

Each ICEPLATE® model, including the Curve, holds over 50 fluid ounces (about 1.5 liters). It offers 70 watts of cooling power and can be filled with hot water to provide 52 watts of heating power, enhancing comfort in various climates.

When fully frozen, the ICEPLATE® provides several hours of cooling and sustains hydration for an 8-hour shift, although individual experiences can vary based on several factors like metabolic efficiency, size, and environmental conditions.

Yes, the ICEPLATE® is designed to produce condensation that cools the outer layer of your clothing and evaporates to keep you cool and dry. For optimal performance, pair it with moisture-wicking or hydrophobic garments.

ICEPLATE® can be worn either on the front or back. For first-time users, we recommend trying it on the back. For more information on positioning, read our blog post: How to wear ICEPLATE®.

For varied armor setups, here are some options:

When filled, ICEPLATE® Curve weighs approximately 4.01 pounds, combining its lightweight design with the weight of 1.5 liters of water.

ICEPLATE® is built to withstand rigorous use. To see it in action, check out our durability test videos here.

Customer Reviews

Based on 165 reviews

Fill valve/disconnect broke getting out of a truck in the first 1 hr of using it.


It’s very rugged


just opened and tried to use it today. water was leaking down my back the whole day. hose connector decided to take a day off and while it felt nice to have cool
water draining down my backside as i was moving around i was out of water faster than i could drink it. connector is not durable to say the least and im a tad bit sad. i dont think its worth the price point. it hold water like a sieve.

shape and fit: it fits snug in my mille attached back pack.

durability: non existent. fittings are cheap
plastic and won’t screw right with threads slipping.

price point: i’ll stick to camelbaks.


Amazing product. Really does work and keep you cool!

Samuel M. (Tucson, US)
Fantastic Gear!

Got it because it fits the zip up back panel for the Scarab LT size S/M


Use this everyday since i hâve received it !!! Feels perfect in my Gamut 3.0

Brian Richling (Ontario, US)
Instagram Handle: @emsprovider
No regrets!!

As a shooter and a medical provider, I felt that this would be a great addition to my daily kit. I was NOT mistaken. Absolutely love the iceplate purely as a supplemental hydration kit as I have not yet actually froze one. I now have 2 units for my 2 different carriers and HIGHLY recommend for anyone.


Awesome product. Excellent quality.


If you have it setup outside the plate carrier, carrying buddy’s puts pressure on it and pushes it out during training exercises


It’s a revolutionary, it is not as bulky and awkward like those bladders and also more durable. Fit just like a plate carrier so no more that feeling of carrying a round log on your back.

The only few issues I noticed are:

- the noise level is quite loud. I tried to fill my all the way full to mitigate but no improvements notice.
- and leakage does happen if you are doing some rigorous and high flexibility maneuvers.
- it is only hold approximately 50% compare to the traditional bladders 100oz!

But I love it, using my as a workout weight nowadays, so I’m looking at filling it up with resins for a cheaper and less military looking plate.
Highly recommended!