The Performance Base

In the relentless pursuit of excellence, whether in athletics, motorsports, or business, there lies a subtle yet profound truth – the highest echelons of achievement demand exponentially greater investment for incrementally smaller gains. This article delves into this intriguing aspect of human endeavor across diverse fields, and the ever enduring attempt at striving for that elusive top 1% of performance.
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In this article, we’ll be going over our recommendations for building a plate carrier out for a range of home defense scenarios, and how you should scale your setup depending on likely threats you wish to prepare for. As an American, it is your right to have access to life preserving equipment like body armor, just as much as you have a right to bear arms.
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We're continuing our equipment analysis series with a deep dive of the Best Duty Belts of 2023. Our aim is to inform and equip end users by promoting the significance of evidence-based gear evaluation and emphasizing the role of thermoregulation in boosting human performance.
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Why You Need One You never know when an emergency situation will arise where you need to be somewhere, ready to get to work, in a moments notice. If you are a teacher, this might mean you need to be...
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If you think dehydration isn’t a big deal in athletics, have a quick conversation with Matthew Dellavadova, Gary Woodland, or LeBron James. Both Woodland and Dellavadova were recently sent to the hospital to recover from severe dehydration, and LeBron watched...
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