Why is the ICEPLATE EXO® Plate Carrier and Chest Rig Collection so expensive?

This one is simple: Design, Innovation, Materials Technology, and Quality. Put together in the right package, these key attributes result in exponential value compared to the alternative. With Qore Performance, you’re not just buying kit, you’re becoming SuperHuman - anything less is a compromise.
With all ICEPLATE EXO® products, we spend countless hours in the lab and in the field eliminating compromise. From our proprietary ICEPLATE EXO® Laminate to the best American-made hardware and genuine Velcro brand hook and loop (military specification), we are relentless in selecting fully Made in the USA materials that accomplish the exact mission for which they are designed. This means rock-solid consistency and reliability at the lightest possible weight in all conditions. This level of attention to detail is precise, exacting, and time-consuming. It leaves little room for error.

ICEPLATE EXO® products are the ideal way to leverage the incredible thermoregulatory and performance benefits of our ICEPLATE® and ICEVENTS® product lines and turn them into an unrivaled competitive advantage for you in the field. Every stitch is scrutinized; every step is 100% quality checked to ensure a perfect and consistent fit. From the patent-pending SizzleSticks attachment mechanism (ICEPLATE EXO®, ICEPLATE EXO-CRH®) for adjustable fit and stretch to the variable stitch length around the nuanced curves of the Velcro-brand loop field, from the internal laser-cut MAPs with matching loop Velcro fields to the SportSkin hand and layout on ICEPLATE EXO®-XFT, ICEPLATE EXO® products are designed for maximum output while maintaining compatibility with your current setup. ICEPLATE EXO® makes it so you don’t have to think about anything except your mission.
Zero compromise. Maximum performance.
The result is equipment that optimizes the balance of strength and weight, while leveraging physics to weaponize temperature, inoculate you against your environment, and enhance performance at levels of efficiency that were previously unattainable. If that’s what matters to you, you’ve come to the right place.
///07MAR 2024 UPDATE///
Our craftsmanship, design and technology are designed for demanding and discerning individuals. This means they are expensive and not for everyone...when evaluated on the surface. However, ICEPLATE EXO® is the first and only plate carrier in the world with organically integrated Conductive and Convective Thermoregulation + Hydration capabilities. Our Conductive Thermoregulation + Hydration solution, ICEPLATE® Curve, has more than 6,000,000 hours worked in the field with our commercial safety customers without a single minute lost to a heat injury since launch in 2017. This is not only a perfect operational record, but it is one that reflects the prevention of thousands of hospitalizations...which cost our customers $25,000+ per incident...making ICEPLATE® Curve and ICEPLATE® EXO a bargain at ten times the price. Here are some resources with additional information/details:
ICEVEST Cooling Safety Vest Case Study
Design, Science, and Engineering behind ICEPLATE
Testing data from Best Plate Carriers 2023 video and article
Plate Carrier Weight Calculator
Why Qore Performance?
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