INSIGHTS: Business

Remote Work: Pros and Cons
The pros and cons of remote work. Where does it work? For whom is it good? For whom is it bad? What types of industries are well suited to remote work? What types of industries are not well suited to remote work?
FULL DISCLOSURE: IcePlate Curve Standalone Ordered Without Permission
One star reviews are important to promoting transparency and disclosure. They help to establish credibility and trust between consumers and companies. But, are all one star reviews credible? In this article, we take a look at the circumstances behind one of the four one-star reviews we have on our website for IcePlate Curve.
Why are American Made Products so expensive abroad (Europe, Australia, etc.): how international shipping, tariffs, Customs, Duties, and VAT Work
Why are Made in USA products so expensive in other countries? The short answer: governments. More specifically, foreign governments. Governments, especially European ones, tax absolutely everything and they are not shy about it. In this article, we explain what those taxes, duties, and customs are and how they work when combined with international shipping methods like those we offer from FedEx.