By Invitation Only: Qore Performance® YouTube Reviews

1. Reviews are designed to share valuable insight gained from end-user experiences with others in an effort to help them make the best decision for themselves.
2. Our customers have terrific insights that we feel are best shared with the rest of the community. We read them all!
3. Customers with the best, most insightful reviews (positive or negative, we don't care as our only goal is constant improvement), will be personally invited, by us, to create and post an honest YouTube review about their experiences with our product.
Creating an insightful YouTube review video is tremendously helpful for our community. Doing so makes you a special and integral part of the Qore Performance® family.
How it works:
1. If you are selected, we'll contact you with an invitation to shoot a video review.
2. Post to your YouTube Channel (Privacy set to Public) per the criteria below. Create a YouTube Channel if you don't already have one.
3. Email us the link to your video review so we can share it with the rest of the community.
1. Limit one YouTube video review per product, per customer
2. Only products from this list are eligible:
- IcePlate® Curve
- IceVents® Aero Shoulder Pads
- IceVents® Classic Shoulder Pads
- IceVents® Classic Ventilation Pontoons
- IceVents® Duty Belt Combos (Aero or Classic)
- IcePlate EXO® Ultralight Ventilated Plate Carrier
- IceVest HiVis Cooling/Heating/Hydration Safety Vest (Class 2
- IceVest Black Utility Vest
- IMS Combo
- IMS Pro Combo
- IcePlate® Hydration Backpack
- IceCase iPad Cooling Case with SunShield
3. Video reviews must have the following attributes:
- Company and product name(s) must be spelled correctly in title and show notes
- Video must feature the product the entire time (setup, in-use)
- Video must be at least two minutes in length and provide insight/tips/tricks based on your experience with the product
- Video review must be narrated by you
- Video review must be HONEST
Questions? Hit us up, otherwise, thank you for being such a special member of the #StayFrosty® family!
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