Mandate Rejected: Qore Performance® standing for freedom, refusing Federal Government business under Vaccine Mandate, challenging others to join

Effective immediately, we refuse to participate in, bid for, or service Federal government contracts as long as vaccine mandates for government contractors remain in place. We unequivocally stand for individual freedom, liberty and the Constitution in both spirit and letter. America is a country founded on the idea that the government serves the people, not the other way around. We challenge every other company in America who has claimed they stand for freedom and the principles forever enshrined in our Constitution to join us in solidarity by cancelling all current business and rejecting all future contracts with the Federal government of the United States of America until these mandates are removed. We will continue to do business with state and local agencies who do not have similar mandates.
We will continue to support all individual uniformed service personnel and unit purchase requests. Our support for individual uniformed service personnel is unwavering. Our issues are solely with government officials who believe in the power of the state over the power of the individual.
Building A Superhuman Future is about an unyielding belief in the power of individual freedom. There is no room for tyrannical government mandates.
If you'd like to join our team and work for a company who will never mandate your personal health choices, click here.
Congratulations for your stance on vaccine mandates and the tyranny that weaponizes them. Uou have earned my loyalty as a customer for this and for your outstanding products and customer service,
I back Qore Performance 100% for there stance against our governments over reach. It’s better to have lived for a day as a Lion than a lifetime as a sheep… Never out of the fight 🇺🇸
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