IceAge Insights : application de la loi militaire

CATAMARAN FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about the Universal MOLLE Plate Carrier Ventilation Adapter Panel for ICEVENTS®
CATAMARAN allows end-users to mount our best-in-class ICEVENTS® Classic Plate Carrier Ventilation Pontoons to any MOLLE-equipped plate carrier on the market today. Gone are the days of needing to have a uniform tailor sew Velcro loop strips onto your plate carrier to run ICEVENTS® Classic Ventilation Pontoons. Now, you can just add a CATAMARAN in a matter of minutes.

Below we'll be answering the most frequently asked questions about CATAMARAN
Minimalist Plate Carrier Setup: A Complete Guide
Plate carriers come in all shapes and sizes, from huge vests that also support all sorts of additional armor to cut-down, minimalist plate carriers. There is nothing wrong with either approach, as long as it is tailored to the mission....
Plate Carrier Setup: Everything You Need to Know
A plate carrier is one of the most important pieces of tactical gear you can buy. A plate carrier – to state the obvious – carries hard armor to protect you against rifle-caliber and lesser threats. It also does much...
What armor plates should I buy for my plate carrier? Level III, Level III+ C, Level IV or RF1 Elite?
Quelles plaques de blindage de niveau de menace dois-je acheter pour mon porte-plaques ? Dois-je acheter des plaques de blindage de niveau III ou de niveau IV pour mon porte-plaques. Nous plongeons dans les données pour vous aider à déterminer quelle armure vous convient le mieux. Devriez-vous obtenir une protection maximale dans les plaques de niveau IV ? Ou, les plaques de niveau III feront-elles le travail ? Est-ce que plus est toujours mieux ? La réponse pourrait vous surprendre...