How do I ship to an APO/FPO address? Does Qore Performance® ship to APO/FPO addresses?

This is a question we get asked every day: "Do you ship to APO/FPO?"
The short answer to these questions is YES! Absolutely! We ship to APO/FPO addresses every day. Our website will automatically calculate the shipping price and expected time for you at checkout - this is always the best way to get the most accurate information on shipping.
In shipping orders all over the world, we've also learned a few tips and tricks for the best ways to ship things not only to APO/FPO address for US Military orders. So, we thought we'd assemble them here in an effort to help you get what you need as quickly as possible with minimal headache and minimal cost.
APO/FPO: We highly recommend you select Priority Mail for best service. It's like shipping domestically; great rates, short transit times. Be sure to use the zip code of your APO/FPO, country should be United States. Very important as the military mail system is fast and inexpensive, but you'll only take advantage of it if you keep the country as US.
Keep the address simple: include the unit and box numbers (if assigned). Again, to prevent mail from entering foreign mail networks, do not include city or country names in APO/FPO/DPO shipping addresses.
For example (from USPS):
Army/Air Post Office (APO)
Address 1: PSC 3 BOX 4120
City: APO State: AE Zip Code: 09021 Country: United States
Fleet Post Office (FPO)
Address 1: UNIT 100100 BOX 4120
City: FPO State: AP Zip Code: 96691 Country: United States
Diplomatic Post Office (DPO)
Address 1: UNIT 8400 BOX 0000
City: DPO State: AE Zip Code: 09498-0048 Country: United States
We hope this is helpful, but should you find you still have questions about your APO/FPO order, give us a call during business hours (0800-1800 EDT, M-F) at 703.755.0724 or email us 24/7/365 by click here. If we have an internet connection and are awake, we try to respond in less than 24 hours and we typically respond much faster than that.
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