Do You Qualify for Our Military, Law Enforcement, Fire/EMS and Industry Direct Purchase Program?

Participation in this program requires an executed Affidavit. If you have submitted an Affidavit, you are good to go. Your current code works. If you have not submitted an Affidavit, even if you have previously been admitted into our Direct Purchase Program, your code no longer works. You’ll need to submit an Affidavit to reactivate your code. Affidavit details below.
***END UPDATE 01JAN 2023***
Qore Performance® is proud to serve the patriotic, Constitutionally-minded men and women of U.S. Military, Law Enforcement and Fire/EMS uniform services who are devoted to serving the people of the United States exclusively, not the government or elected officials, as clearly stated in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution via our Oath of Office. This special Direct Purchase Program Code recognizes your individual contribution to preserving and protecting the rights to life, liberty and happiness for the citizens of our great nation - guaranteed by our sacred Constitution. Participation in this program is for those who acknowledge the nature of the oath of office as stated above. If you don't agree with it, that's fine and that is your right. It just means this program isn't for you. This is the only special pricing program we offer.
Program details are only provided once we have verified your service status and received this fully executed and signed Affidavit (applies to all applicants). For information on our T&E Program, click here. Incomplete submissions will not receive a reply.
STEP 1: Qualifications
To qualify for the Qore Performance MIL/LE/Fire Direct Purchase Program Code, you must fall into one of these categories.
- Active Duty military
- National Guard
- Military Reservists
- US Coast Guard
- Sworn Law Enforcement Officer (Corrections and Probation personnel are only eligible if identification states sworn law enforcement status as only sworn personnel are eligible)
- Firefighter (line firefighters only, no support staff)
- Emergency Medical Services (credentials must be with a Fire Service, contractors not eligible, hospital staff not eligible, Flight Nurses/Paramedics only eligible if with a State or Municipal Fire Service)
- Federal Law Enforcement Officers
- Federal Fire and Emergency Response
- Search And Rescue (SAR)
Note: contractors, administrators and every other type of non-sworn/non-field/non-line position of any kind are not eligible. This program is for sworn/line (Patrol, SWAT, EOD, SAR, K9, Aviation/Air Support, 11B, 18 Series, 0311, 0321, SO, etc.) personnel only. If your job/MOS puts you on the “frontline” or in harm’s way, we want to support you. Infantry, artillery, Armor, scouts, engineers, EOD, Crew Chiefs, Aviators, etc. all qualify for our program. True, we have no way to validate MOS, but we all always know the truth in our hearts.
We reserve the sole and exclusive right to define eligibility for this program. We also reserve the right to deny and/or revoke program privileges at any time for any reason. Straw purchases strictly prohibited.
This program is open to U.S. Citizens, and U.S. organizations in U.S. States and Territories only. International programs are conducted at the exclusive discretion of our international distribution partners on a country-by-country basis. Please contact your specific distributor for details on their program (if any) as there are no exceptions to this policy for contractual reasons.
Update for Active Duty Military: if your discharge is other than honorable because of your refusal of the Vaccine Mandate, our Honorable Discharge requirement will be waived. If this is the case, please provide proof with your submission.
This program is for personal, individual use only. Group/agency/unit/team orders are not eligible for this program. Basically, you can use this program if you are paying for this out of your own pocket. You cannot use this program if a government agency is picking up the tab. For unit/agency/department purchases, please click here for details then email us and a Qore Performance® Enterprise Sales Representative will contact you within 24 hours. For DLA TLS Prime Vendor Quote Requests, click here.
Accepted forms for verification:
- DD214 (Honorable Discharge)
- Retired ID (yeah, the old school pre-CAC blue ones)
- LES (only valid with a picture of drivers license and must be submitted from a military email address)
Law Enforcement
- Official Credentials (Federal, State, Local)
- Retired ID
- Proof of HR218 privileges
- Official Credentials (Federal, State, Local). Simply sending academic papers like a Red Cross CPR/First Aid for First Responders Card doesn't count. We need to see that you are actually employed by an agency for Fire/EMS work.
- Retired ID
Defense/Outdoor Industry*
- Official business card or access card
- Company email address using company named and owned URL
Third party verification is not accepted for this program. No exceptions.
STEP 2: Affidavit
Per the terms stated above, all applicants must complete and sign the above Affidavit. Complete all of the information and sign it. This means an actual signature (Certified Digital Signatures like those from Adobe or DocuSign are accepted). Simply typing or printing your name doesn't count. You must submit this fully executed Affidavit with a picture of your credentials (see criteria above).
STEP 3: Email fully executed Affidavit and Credentials
Click here to email a picture or PDF of your documents for verification. These are the only documents we accept for verification. Submissions of substitute documents will not receive a reply. Incomplete submissions will not receive a reply. A complete submission has both a picture of your credentials AND a fully executed Affidavit. These two conditions apply to 100% of applicants for this program. There are no exceptions.
Please redact any sensitive information and/or information you are not permitted to share. However, your name, agency/municipality, and line personnel indicators (“sworn,” “peace officer,” Military rank, “firefighter” etc.) must be readable as it will appear on your order. Credential submissions sent from official agency email accounts will receive faster approvals. Private Contractors are not eligible for this program.
Once we verify your service, we typically reply to your email with the Direct Purchase Program Code along with details about the program and instructions for use within 24 hours, Monday through Friday, pending review by one of our team members. Yes, humans actually read and verify all of this information. By design, this is not an automated process. We will not provide any additional information about the program, other than the information on this page, prior to verification. Your code is tied to the email address you use for verification. It will not work with any other email address. Your verification email address must be used to place your orders, or the code will not work. Refunds for orders placed using incorrect email addresses cannot be retroactively issued, so double-check your email address prior to placing your order.
Orders placed with the Direct Purchase Program Code without prior approval will not be processed. The Direct Purchase Program Code cannot be combined with any other program or applied retroactively. Approval is a one-time event. You do not need to re-apply unless we change or update the program (we've only done this once since we started the company for the Affidavit, so it doesn't happen often).
Thank you to all who answer the call to defend freedom.
*We reserve the sole and exclusive right to define "Defense/Outdoor Industry" at our discretion for any reason.
I will keep I short, I was a Marine and now a police officer who I a sniper on a SRT team. These ice plates are worth every penny. Went for a week long training in New Mexico and it was 100 degrees. All I can say is oh my god I am so glad I bought two. Now I have others on my team buying them. Great product!!
Dear Sir,
Trusting all is well.
Kindly quote me the best pricing for the below request.
100 Packs of:
Qore Performace IceVents Aero (2-Pack) – Black
The request is from the UAE Armed Forces.
Looking forward to hearing back as soonest.
Ahmed Z. Eleiwi – PDM
00971 50 265 4652
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Hi, I’ve seen alot of adds through Instagram and a few on YouTube about your ice plate product. I’ve been serving in the National Guard for 7 years now with many more to come, so I’ve been thinking about picking one of these up. I just wanted to see how much one of the ice plates with the sleeve costs with a military discount. Thank you for your time and all the hard work everyone there does.
Hi Michael,
We’ll take a look, thanks!
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