A Report From SOFIC, the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in Tampa

Hi. I'm back from Tampa and SOFIC. There I was displaying Qore Performance® breakthrough technologies to our war fighters. For those who don't know SOFIC:
“The Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC) is the premier conference for the SOF community to interact with industry and to collaborate on the challenges, initiatives, and way-ahead in delivering the most cutting-edge capabilities into the hands of SOF operators.”
It was amazing.
Seeing the reception of our human performance enhancement tactical gear was a kick. Our goal is the creation of Individual Operator Overmatch. It was great to stand out among 400 exhibiting companies. We’re a small startup with a large impact and larger ambitions to serve you and America.
What kind of reactions did we get?
One NATO SOF outfit immediately grasped both the physics and the philosophy of what we do. That is, we use ice to cool our warfighters in hot environments. They immediately grasped how that immediately increases effectiveness. By addressing the root cause of sweating you get right to the root cause of fatigue. You increase work capacity, endurance and mental acuity for our troops.
Then we spoke with a unit from one of our Five Eyes Allies. That’s the intelligence alliance of Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. It's the backbone of most of our intelligence apparatus. They expressed excitement. In hot climates like Iraq and Afghanistan their forces are limited to 15 minutes outdoors. Then they have to spend 15 minutes of cool-down time to rehabilitate. IcePlate EXO®, IcePlate Curve® and IceVents® immediately increase capabilities while reducing risk to our troops.
If I may add, it does so at a modest cost.
A US SOF unit was ecstatic about IceVents® capability. The load distribution capability and the muscle fatigue reduction were especially impressive. They found IcePlate’s® low profile, form factor, and extreme strength compelling.
My background is in product development and as a sworn law enforcement officer, so I haven’t spent much time professionally in the SOF world until Qore Performance®. Our whole team's goal at Qore Performance® is to serve our customers and serve America. Elite warfighters praising the value of what we offer makes us proud of what we do.
And we love to hear from you, our customers, about your experience. You can read lots of unedited comments over on the ‘gram. Learn how we are giving America and her allies Individual Warfighter Overmatch.
Bonus! We do it with tech invented in America and made in America.
Click here to order IcePlate® Curve.
(Pair -- one front and one back – is best for maximum cooling or to have one IcePlate® in reserve).
Click here to order the IceVents®.
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