Could you run our Warehouse? Here's how you can tell.

We need an extremely organized wizard to be my right-hand man. Or left-hand woman. It will be fun, if youre super accountable and OCD and care about things like the apostrophe I left out a second ago. If you're not, move right along. Let me explain.
There's nothing like shopping for something new. You save up your money, go to the store, hope it's in stock, and if not...well, there's always tomorrow.
Wait! Sorry! Wrong decade!...I meant to say as you are half-asleep on your couch, you press a few buttons on your phone and something perfect shows up, as if by magic. Every time.
If it doesn't, well, that's when it's time to tell the world that the company you trusted your order to doesn't have what it takes.
We believe that's a completely reasonable expectation! Heck, we order things half-asleep from our couch as well...but there's an invisible magic to it that the customer shouldn't ever have to see. It's a constant balance of organization and attention to detail, process refinement, translation, and caring about things that few notice.
If you're nodding, keep reading.
As we grow, we need a magician to help execute this logistic sorcery, ensuring our customers get amazing product and amazing experiences, on time, every time.
For some folks, even the thought of keeping product straight from dozens of vendors then repackaged and shipped to thousands of customers is their nightmare. For others, this kind of challenge is a proud way of life -- and they wouldn't have it any other way.
Which are you?
When we're inventing new things (which is quite often), the road from design to delivery is arduous. It's one thing to make *one* of something, it's quite another to make hundreds that are up to our standards.
Our job, together, will be to make it look easy so customers never have to think about it.
The first product we get and the one the customer receives often don't even look like they were made by the same company! There is a lot of back and forth and standard setting that needs to be meticulously tracked to be able to deliver a consistent high-quality experience.
Sometimes we even have to make up what parts of our new products are called! Internally, we have been know to use words like "stalagmite," "origami," or "doohickey" to describe a section of a product. Then we have to translate everything back to the factory. The standard needs to be the same everywhere, and it needs to be a high one. And everyone needs to know exactly what we mean by "doohickey" because every "doohickey" needs to be right.
Even when the factory makes perfect parts, the journey is far from over. Parts are typically packed and shipped in bulk, and while we've come a long way since the Oregon Trail, this trip still requires care and maintenance. Many a part has fallen by the wayside, or gotten irreparably damaged by an overworked truck driver that knows nothing about the customer he is delivering for.
Done right, the parts that arrive to the fulfillment center (the place you'll keep super organized) are of the exact same quality and in the exact same quantities as when they leave the factory. But how can you be sure? So many things to's overwhelming to most folks.
But if you already think you know the answer, you are probably the kind of person we are looking for.
Let's imagine that everything has shown up in the right numbers and the shipment was done just right. Now, it's time to check the parts and be sure they work just right.
Were they made to spec? Wait, what was the spec again? Are they the exact right color? Close enough? Texture? Do they have any scratches or blemishes? Even if they are pretty, wait a sec, do they actually work?! (sometimes the part you forget is the most important)
In an ideal world, the answer to all this is an obvious and enthusiastic "yes! - but we need to be sure of that well before any product rolls out the door. Right now, this is where we spend a ton of time, meticulously going through each product to be sure our customers have a great experience, and using what we learn to communicate back to the factory to ensure each shipment is better than the one before it. We apply the same standards, over and over. We compare, we track, we judge. Do you like passing down justice? Here's your chance.
These tasks can be exhilarating and frustrating all in consecutive moments. When a delivery is wrong, a customer has a major gripe with their delivered order, something goes missing, or something doesn't show up at all, it's a major issue for everybody. With our product line, it could mean lost dollars, lost time, or worse.
Some folks get angry. Some get despondent. But you'd take immediate action to right the wrong. You'd break out the receipts and the magnifying glass, and make sure it never happens again.
Are you who we are looking for? E-mail your resume and cover letter tooday to apply.
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