The Human Booster Rocket: How do I wear ICEPLATE® Classic or ICEPLATE® Curve?
ICEPLATE® is the world's most powerful water bottle. Shaped like a Medium ESAPI armor plate, ICEPLATE® conforms to the body to deliver 70 watts of cooling or 52 watts of heating with the 50 fluid ounces of drinking water it carries in a hard cell water bottle that can withstand the toughest conditions on earth. This is a quick, easy to use and comprehensive guide showing how to wear IcePlate for military, law enforcement, fire/EMS, prepared citizens, safety professionals and outdoor enthusiasts alike.
Plate Carrier Review: Crye Precision JPC 2.0 (with IceVents and IcePlate install tips)
Widely regarded as the reference standard when it comes to minimalist plate carrier design, the JPC 2.0 by Crye Precision was a pioneer and ushered in the era of modern plate carrier design with which we have all become so familiar. This begs the questions: has it stood the test of time and how does it stack up against modern minimalist plate carriers? Watch our all-new plate carrier overview video on the Crye Precision JPC 2.0 to find out. 