Plate Carrier Setup for Cold Weather: Hydration, Heating
We thought it would be helpful to assemble all of the best practices for how to use IcePlate® in cold weather operations that we've developed and accumulated. This article will cover winter IcePlate setups for military personnel in a few different configurations for just about any application or mission.
The Human Booster Rocket: How do I wear ICEPLATE® Classic or ICEPLATE® Curve?
ICEPLATE® is the world's most powerful water bottle. Shaped like a Medium ESAPI armor plate, ICEPLATE® conforms to the body to deliver 70 watts of cooling or 52 watts of heating with the 50 fluid ounces of drinking water it carries in a hard cell water bottle that can withstand the toughest conditions on earth. This is a quick, easy to use and comprehensive guide showing how to wear IcePlate for military, law enforcement, fire/EMS, prepared citizens, safety professionals and outdoor enthusiasts alike.