Being the Grey Man - What Your Daily Driver Vehicle Choice Says About You

The following article is by one of our longtime customers, Gunnar Anderson. Enjoy!
- Justin
Have you ever had your ride broken into? Did you wonder why they picked your car or truck? While I cannot guarantee that you’ll never have your ride broken into again, my hope is that this article will make you reconsider certain accessories.
The meme is funny because it contains a certain truth. Even if you don’t drive a FDE Toyota Tacoma, what does your car or truck say about you?
Think about some examples of stickers you have seen on the road or in parking lots - Punisher skulls, Black Rifle Coffee Company, National Rifle Association, Magpul, Vortex, etc. They all say the same thing - a gun may be in this vehicle.
Avoiding break-ins goes beyond stickers. Does your truck have a gun rack? (Yes, I grew up in a time and place where these were common.) Did you leave your 5.11 cap on the dashboard? Did you leave your range bag or medic bag in plain view? In college I left my bright orange EMT bag in plain sight on the front seat of my truck. I learned a valuable lesson the next day as I stepped over the broken window glass - be careful about what information you share with the world. That is not how the world should be, but the advice here is meant to be more practical than principled.
So before you put that awesome sticker in your back window or anywhere else on your ride, think about whether the gray man would share that information with the rest of the world.
Gunnar Anderson is a former EMT, rescue diver, and prosecutor who now trains and advises both law enforcement and emergency management.
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