Why did Qore Performance® build the EDC Coin Purse?

Why did Qore Performance® build the EDC Coin Purse?

J.D. and I started Qore Performance® with one main goal: "To liberate humans from environmental constraints." We have a few foundational philosophies that we use as a team to do this: 

  • Eliminate waste at every opportunity
  • Make every feature serve more than one purpose as often as possible
  • Look for meaningful competitive advantages in the margins

When we began designing and developing our all-new IcePlate EXO®, we found that our pattern didn't use all of our high-tech laminate. It isn't easy to build a hydrophobic laminate that is 14x stronger than steel for the same weight, so that means our material is super expensive. Like SUPER expensive. We didn't want to waste anything because that would drive up costs for our customers unnecessarily. So, we knew we needed to find a way to eliminate that waste and put that excess laminate to work.

Simultaneously, I was struggling to solve some EDC issues I encountered while traveling in my post-LEO life. As a regular citizen, I no longer enjoyed the privileges of carrying in all 50 states granted to LEOs under LEOSA, more commonly known as the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act or HR 218 to anyone on the job. 

The EDC Coin Purse by Qore Performance for everyday carry confidence everywhere

I had carried a number of other coin purses on the market for a few years now, but none of them quite fit the bill. I needed something lightweight, strong, low profile and comfortable. I fly 75,000-100,000 miles per year for Qore Performance®, so comfort was at the top of my list. Each of the coin purses I carried before ours suffered from one or more shortcoming: too weak, too loud, too bulky, too stiff, uncomfortable, etc. 

The remaining laminate was calling our name: here was a chance to eliminate waste, liberate humans from environmental constraints and design a low-visibility solution that served more than one function. We could do all of these things at the same time with the EDC Coin Purse. However, because we are building the EDC Coin Purse from the excess laminate from ICE production, this will be a super limited run. Once they are gone, they are gone until we produce more IcePlate EXO's®. We can't produce a run of our laminate just for the EDC Coin Purse (though we would love it if y'all bought that many EDC Coin Purses!).

The EDC Coin Purse was born and we couldn't be more excited to share it with our community! It is everything we ever wanted in a supplemental coin purse carrying tool. We hope you love it as much as we do!

Where do you plan on going with your EDC Coin Purse? Do you have any great pictures from your EDC Coin Purse travels? Let us know and sound-off in the comments below!



  • Qore Performance

    Hi Liam,
    Our system will send you a review request to the email address you used for your order roughly 2-4 weeks after your purchase, depending on your location. All you have to do is follow the steps in that email and you’ll be good to go!

  • Liam

    How do I get to leave an appraisal of this item….I really love it!!

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