Plate Carrier Ventilation with CATAMARAN

Military, LEO's and citizens working in extreme conditions require efficient plate carrier ventilation, and the importance of this cannot be overstated. Overheating can cause physical discomfort, reduced cognitive functions, and even serious medical conditions, which is why the integration of our newest innovation: CATAMARAN with ICEVENTS® offers a groundbreaking solution to this problem.
CATAMARAN is a single sheet of our laser-cut ICEPLATE EXO® Laminate with Velcro-brand loop fields for mounting our ICEVENTS® Classic Plate Carrier Ventilation Pontoons. CATAMARAN mounts to any plate carrier equipped with MOLLE fields, and some without like slick carriers, much like our IMS Versa.

Above: Introducing CATAMARAN: Designed for universal plate carrier mounting of ICEVENTS® Classic Plate Carrier Ventilation Pontoons (Pictured on the AC1 Plate Carrier from T.REX ARMS).
A single CATAMARAN panel can be mounted to either the front or rear plate bag. Use two CATAMARAN panels for stand off body armor ventilation on your front and rear plate bags.
CATAMARAN features two load-bearing laser-cut ICEPLATE EXO® Vertical Laminate straps permanently attached at the top of the panel. Three different strap types are also included with CATAMARAN; two 2-inch elastic straps, two 5-inch Velcro One-Wrap straps, and one 10-inch elastic strap.
The attached load bearing ICEPLATE EXO® Vertical Laminate straps are intended for routing through any opening towards the top of the plate bag (MOLLE field, carry handle, etc.), and secured back onto themselves. The additional included straps are:
- The two inch elastic straps attach to existing external MOLLE fields. These are recommended for side strap applications.
- The five inch Velcro One-Wrap straps mate to existing Velcro fields, on either the plate closure flap or any Velcro field. These are for either side or vertical strap applications.
- The ten inch elastic strap is for slick carriers where no existing MOLLE field is present, and is intended for side strap applications.
Above: CATAMARAN; One ten-inch elastic strap, two 2-inch elastic straps, two 5-inch Velcro One-Wrap straps.
Combining CATAMARAN mounted ICEVENTS® Classic Plate Carrier Ventilation Pontoons with our ICEVENTS® Classic or Aero plate carrier shoulder pads offers the best body armor ventilation on the market. Unlike heat trapping spacer mesh, our ICEVENTS® ultralight ventilated padding allows for air flow and load distribution where plate carriers traditionally cause hotspots.
ICEVENTS® technology goes beyond legacy plate carrier ventilation systems. ICEVENTS® Classic Plate Carrier Ventilation Pontoons are specifically designed to create channels that not only allow for evaporative cooling, but also effectively disperse body heat. When integrated with CATAMARAN's unique mounting system, these pontoons create a standoff between the plate carrier and the user's body, ensuring a more comfortable experience even during extended wear.

The ingenuity of CATAMARAN's design is its adaptability. Whether it's a standard MOLLE-equipped plate carrier or a slick carrier without MOLLE fields, CATAMARAN ensures a secure fit, thanks to its multiple strap options and ability to be fastened with elastic shock cord. This guarantees optimal ventilation irrespective of the type of carrier used.
Furthermore, the laser-cut ICEPLATE EXO® Laminate not only provides structural integrity but also ensures that the CATAMARAN system remains lightweight. This means adding this ventilation solution won't weigh down the user, which is crucial for those on the move.
The introduction of CATAMARAN brings ICEVENTS® technology to more plate carriers than ever before. With optimal ventilation, reduced hotspots, and enhanced comfort, it's evident that this innovation will become a staple for those seeking the best in body armor ventilation solutions.
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