HQ2: Home of the Superhuman Future (Qore Performance Headquarters Search)

It Started with a Manhunt...

Our quest to Build A Superhuman Future started in the high deserts of Southern California. Qore Performance Co-Founder & CEO Justin Li, then a sworn law enforcement officer, was searching for an armed suspect in the mountainous region of the Cleveland National Forest. It was on this search, in triple digit temperatures and 4,000 feet above sea level, where Justin thought to combine TCCC medical science with athletic base layers, creating a competitive advantage in a harsh climate against a formidable adversary.
Justin teamed up with long time friend (and fellow Co-Founder) J.D. Willcox to start Qore Performance® and bring TCCC Baser Layers to life. In December 2015, they launched on Kickstarter with a mission to build tools that remove environmental constraints and empower people to realize their full potential in everything they do. The US Army found them three weeks later and asked for help "solving the body armor cooling problem for soldiers." IcePlate®, a low-profile, 50 fl oz, hands-free water bottle shaped like a body armor plate, was born. The first IcePlate sold on August 1, 2016.
Today, we design and build novel hydration and thermoregulation technologies that weaponize temperature to increase work capacity and survivability, creating a decisive advantage for anyone working in challenging environments. We call it the IceAge Ecosystem.

Qore Performance and the 21st Century
What Qore Performance can do for your Community
Jobs: quality over quantity
At the time of this writing, we have just nine full time employees and 24 open positions, two of which are Director level roles. We have had to stop hiring because we are out of space at our current facility. Demand for our products is strong and getting stronger. At our current growth rate, we anticipate having 80+ full time employees within three to five years. With your help, we hope to hit this number much sooner.
We do not have any hourly or part-time jobs. Every team member, from an entry-level Customer Experience Specialist or Manufacturing Technician all the way up to Directors and Vice Presidents are salaried and have access to the same suite of class-leading benefits. We invest heavily in our team with a long term mindset and an eye on quality over quantity.

We purchase the absolute best manufacturing equipment we can afford at the time, all housed under our roof. Made in USA isn't just a tagline for us. It is a way of life. Capabilities like SLA, SLS, FDM, CNC and more allow us to do in-house tool design, in addition to manufacturing. With the right home, we'll be able to continue and expand our vertical integration efforts significantly, bringing more of both high-tech/high-skill and entry-level manufacturing jobs to our local community.
Halo Effect
Companies like Tesla and All Birds have pioneered the vertically-integrated, Direct To Consumer (DTC) business model. They have demonstrated that controlling your product from raw materials, through manufacturing, all the way to consumers hands is the best way to be innovative while providing a first-class customer experience. It minimizes variability while maximizing profitability to facilitate investment in both people and product. A happy side effect: company investment is almost entirely concentrated at headquarters. Our global e-commerce reach brings 100% of revenue back to headquarters, supercharging local opportunity, growth and expansion. This "zero outsourcing" on both the manufacturing and the distribution sides of the business make Vertically Integrated DTC companies exceptionally valuable to their local community.
By design, vertically integrated DTC companies must be media companies. This means that they must have a robust search, digital media (blogs, YouTube, etc.) and content creation capacity. Used properly, these tools positively highlight and elevate the community in which the business is located. Think "Made in Switzerland" or "Designed by Apple in Cupertino, CA."
Vertical Integration means a Larger Pool of Diverse Jobs
What the heck does "Vertically Integrated DTC" even mean? It means that Qore Performance controls the entire product lifecycle for our business:
Vertically Integrated DTC is the business model of the future, with inspiration coming largely from Tesla. The model will not only bring the jobs of the future, but with them will come the skills and digital branding "halo effect" that Qore Performance can have on the local community.
Instagram: 77,000+
YouTube: 8,000+
Email: 65,000+
International Distribution: France, Spain, Sweden, Canada, Japan, Philippines, South Korea.
Headquarters Wish List
- 10,000-15,000 F2 possible
- 7,000-50,000 F2 ideal
- As close to the “bread box” format as possible (see right) with multiple suites to allow us to lease out vacant space while we grow into it, letting leases expire as we need the room to grow
- One side of building with dock high doors
- Opposite side of building with grade level doors
- Multi-use: Office/Assembly/Warehouse and Outdoor Research and Development Facility (can be as small as one acre, but up to 25 acres ideal, depending on economics, layout)
- 20-30 foot ceiling height ideal, but not required
- Basic Power Requirements below, but click here for a PDF with detailed Power Requirements:
120V Circuits 23 240V Circuits 7 480V Circuits 3 Total Breakers Required 38 - "Hanger Glass" perimeter windows (larger the better) for abundant natural light like airplane hangers (see image below), but without compromising security. We don't need or even want an actual hanger door, rather the hanger door merely serves as an example of high glass and solid lower walls for security and natural light.
- Full HVAC throughout on multiple t-stats if possible
- Front display/meeting showroom
- Parking Ratio of 3:1 ideal, but we can manage as low as 2:1
- Drive-through parking lot capability for easy access by 18 wheelers
- Located as close to a major highway or interstate as possible
- Optimized for FedEx pick-up routes
- Local culinary options: stronger the better
- Single-lane 400m track/running lane/path or similar. This does not have to be Olympic oval, just a minimum of 400m overall length at the Testing Facility for SPORT product and content development; can be integrated into property line/perimeter or perhaps the parking lot
- Occupancy Permit for FFL-SOT issued by ATF to Qore Performance, Inc.
- Ability to build a CrossFit Gym inside HQ2 for Team use and customer demonstrations with Men’s and Women’s Locker Rooms/Shower facilities so our team can use our on-site gym then change for work
- Click here to download a PDF of our Project Timeline
HQ2 Concept Layout
Above: an ideal warehouse will have some walls with half-height glass for excellent natural light while preserving perimeter security like an airplane hanger.
Outdoor Customer Experience Center (CEC)
Qore Performance services a wide variety of customers who are critical to American Security and American Prosperity with novel thermoregulation and hydration solutions for PPE users. From the nation’s leading drive thru restaurants to major industrial conglomerates, law enforcement, Fire/EMS, as well as US and Allied militaries, tens of thousands of people across the country depend on our life-saving equipment everyday. Our IceAge Ecosystem is increasingly valuable as our economies de-globalize, global security tensions escalate, labor shortages persist, and temperatures rise.
Our business model is direct to consumer (B2B, B2C, B2G). We generate 100% of our leads using digital platforms like our website and social media. Our ability to efficiently and rapidly generate high quality educational content is mission-critical to our customers and to our continued growth as an enterprise. Digital content is a key part of our strategy and our intellectual property moat.
We need our Customer Experience Center to grow. The convergence of customers, missions, and models makes the CEC not just important, but a matter of survival.
The Customer Experience Center will result in another 20-30 new jobs in addition to the 50+ at HQ2.
In order to reach our full potential as a company (which will allow us to continue to generate economic impact for our community in high-paying jobs and high-yield investment), the CEC must be capable of hosting the following activities:
- Firearms testing/training for end-users (think infantry, ground forces, law enforcement, security, private citizens, etc...basically people who wear body armor or similar PPE). They need to be able to experience the interface of our products with their current kit in simulated fighting conditions (i.e. employing their weapon systems).
- Destructive engineering testing (i.e. small explosives testing for bomb squads, EOD, munitions handlers; impact and kinetic testing…basically people who wear highly specialized PPE). VERY infrequent. These tests might take place once every two years and even that might be overestimating frequency (there are not that many of these units in the entire world, let alone the US).
- Motor vehicle simulations (think mock drive-thru) for motor sports, off-road, drive thru customers, people who wear fire resistant PPE.
- Outdoor sports/fitness like hiking, backpacking, running, cycling, endurance, Crossfit.
The images below of the Main Salon at Monticello Motorsports Park are a good concept analog for the look and feel we want for HQ2 and our CEC.
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