IceAge Insights: Press Releases

We support individual freedom and liberty. The freedom of choice. Qore Performance® unilaterally rejects vaccine mandates from the Federal Government.
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE STERLING, VA - Qore Performance® has partnered with French distributor, Terräng MP-Sec, in order to facilitate access to their thermoregulation products for customers in Europe. In addition to maintaining close relationships with many French military, police, and...
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASESTERLING, VA - Qore Performance® now has in stock a limited production of their IcePlate® MOLLE Combo in Black and Ranger Green. This one-time run of these two color options is in response to customer demand with 90% of the...
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sterling, VA - On 4 May, the Loudoun County Economic Development Authority awarded Qore Performance a $25,000 grant as runners up in the inaugural Loudoun Innovation Challenge. From an initial pool of 71 applicants, the Loudoun County...
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sterling, VA – Responding to high customer demand, Qore Performance® has released two new colors for the IcePlate® Curve: Ranger Green and Wolf Grey. Also available in Coyote and Frost, the IcePlate® Curve thermoregulation system is the...
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