Plate Carrier Hydration: How to mount IMS and IMS Pro to the Ferro Concepts Slickster

We get this question all the time. Fortunately, we have some of the greatest customers in the world who not only solved this problem, but were kind enough to share it with us so we could share it with the community. But wait, there's more: this customer even took the time to send in pictures! But first, a video:
While the Slickster isn't optimized for IMS Pro mounting in the same way as our IcePlate EXO® with it's unique combination of MOLLE + Velcro Hook and Velcro Loop, it is still super easy and functional. Without further delay, here is how you mount our IMS and IMS Pro, the ultimate in low profile plate carrier hydration, to a standard Ferro Concepts Slickster for a super slick plate carrier hydration solution.
See what we did there?
"Hello....I have a Ferro Slickster plate carrier and was really interested in adding your IcePlate Molle sleeve to it. I like the idea of being able to run it in the sleeve, or use it with straps like the original IcePlate (Classic). I decided to go ahead and order the IMS Combo and see if I could make something work. What I came up with works really well and I wanted to share it with you, as it might be a good option for people running slick carriers like the Ferro.

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